Sneaky Chipotle Liver Nuggets

Pluck tastes delicious on organ meats too. Adding cheese and panko turn a liver pate into a sort of "meatball" nugget. Adding the chipotle sauce brings both heat and flavor. Try putting these out next time you have a party!

Avatar photo Maria Fernanda
Let’s cook
Carnivore Deviled Eggs

Deviled Eggs are a delicious appetizer or snack. Eggs really come alive with Pluck. Try these today and see the Pluck difference.

Avatar photo Lillie Kane
Let’s cook
Plucky egg salad

Egg salad is a perfect, easy meal for a spring picnic. Just add bread and it makes a sandwich. I love how tasty Pluck makes eggs taste. Springle as much as you like!

Ronda Schyf Rhonda Schyf
Let’s cook

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