We recommend using either Pluck Zesty Garlic, All-Purpose or Spicy for this recipe.
Bone broth is different from stock. Bone broth is meant to be simmered for long hours to pull as many nutrients from the bones as possible. This nourishing beverage is very warming to the soul.
For a rich colored, flavorful broth, broil the bones in the oven until lightly browned.
Place the bones and vinegar into the stock pot. Cover with filtered water leaving about 2 inches of space from the top.
Bring to a boil and skim any foam off the top. The foam is just any impurities coming out of the bones. Sometimes it’s there, sometimes it isn’t.
Reduce the heat on your stove to the lowest possible and gently simmer your broth for at least 12 hours, up to 48 hours. The rule of thumb is the bigger the bones, the longer you need to simmer your broth. Make sure not to cook the broth at too high a temperature! It will denature some of the proteins. Keep the pot covered to limit loss of water.
Strain out the bones, and either use immediately, or store in a big glass jar in your fridge. Do not place lid on jar until broth is fully cooled.
Use the broth when making grains or drink it like you would a cup of tea. Add a pinch of Pluck to your sipping broth for added nutrients and flavor.